Unable to connect Cisco router to Windows 10? Get Cisco Router Support
Well, it happens sometimes when Windows 10 users are encountering the issues in connecting to the existing wireless infrastructures with the help of Cisco router. On the contrary, Windows 7 and XP machine users don’t have a problem in doing so. Many individuals prefer to approach a reputed third party online router support provider to find the resolution of this problem. However, if you want to make it on your own, here is the useful information for you:
The possibility of the
failure of the connection is common if the user is working on the WPA or WPA2
key management with AES encryption.
Update the Controller to
the updated Firmware Image — the issue has been fixed by Cisco in an update
which has been released recently. You can use the link
https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-27213 to download the updated
software. Many recommend this option when this issue occurs.
Roll Back to Pre-Windows
10 Drivers — well; another highly popular alternative that is
used for this purpose is to roll back to pre-Windows 10 drivers. For your
better knowledge, you are highly suggested to consider visiting the website of
the hardware manufacturer to obtain their drivers.
Note: With this approach
all Windows 10 specific WLAN features are disabled and you as a user would be
able to find out the wireless connectivity which would be supported by
pre-Windows 10 drivers.
Although the above
mentioned points would help you to connect to the existing wireless
infrastructures with the help of Cisco router, it is wise to contact a tech
engineer to get the instant Cisco router technical support.
You can also get
instant Cisco Router Support through
Router-help-support at 1833-430-6109 toll free.
Router-help-support is
the third party service provider in the USA and CANADA.
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